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Château Fourcas Dupré: a winery certified by the HVE commitment

Author of prestigious wines, Château Fourcas Dupré is a vineyard worthy of the great Bordeaux wines. Located north of Listrac, the property is a family heirloom that offers exceptional terroir wines. As part of its operation, Château Fourcas Dupré turns to the production of organic wines. Currently, the winery holds the HVE label. What is the HVE commitment actually? What is this certification for? Why is the HVE label so important? To answer these questions, here is a focus on the HVE commitment.

HVE commitment: what is it really about?

The HVE (High Environmental Value) is a certification awarded to a farm that respects the environment. Awarded by the Grenelle de l'Environnement, this label is granted to winegrowers and operators who display the highest level of ecological responsibility. With this in mind, Château Fourcas Dupré has claimed its HVE status. Currently, the operation is aiming for the highest level of certification.

What is the HVE commitment for?

HVE certification is above all a guarantee of quality. In the times we live in, this kind of label is the best way to preserve our environment and our planet. It also serves to strengthen the autonomy of the farm by limiting the use of chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

What are the objectives of HVE certification?

As an environmental label, the HVE is based on various axes such as the preservation of biodiversity, the reduction of the use of phytosanitary products, the improvement of fertilizer management and the control of irrigation. A product labeled HVE shows the consumer the environmental involvement of farmers and operators. Moreover, this device also makes it possible to meet consumer expectations.

Why is the HVE label so important?

More than a simple logo on a product label, the HVE label has become a priority for winegrowers. Indeed, this certification offers many advantages. On the one hand, it is a label that highlights the product in question. From a promotional point of view, the HVE label represents a considerable asset for boosting and improving sales. On the other hand, obtaining this certificate also allows you to enjoy certain government benefits. In any case, the HVE label is a considerable advantage for commercial and marketing purposes. However, the importance of this device is at the level of ecology. Every year, hundreds of farms claim HVE certification. This is clear proof that this device is of paramount importance in the winery.

The 3 levels of HVE Certification

There are 3 levels of HVE certification and commitment. Indeed, to achieve the agro-ecological objectives, the vineyard must pass through several levels:

  • HVE level 1: to benefit from a HVE level 1, the operator must comply with the environmental requirements in the context of its operation
  • HVE level 2: after level 1, farmers are required to comply with a standard relating to environmental protection
  • HVE level 3: this level is the pinnacle of the HVE label. A farm with HVE level 3 is considered to be environmentally friendly. For Châteaux Fourcas Dupré, obtaining this label is planned for 2023
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